• SCTE 42 2002

SCTE 42 2002

  • IP Multicast for Digital MPEG Networks, (formerly DVS 311)
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

The document describes two methods to transmit multicast IP datagrams over MPEG 2 digital transportstreams. It describes the use of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)Multi-Protocol Encapsulation (MPE) Datagram Sections and the Advanced Television SystemsCommittee's (ATSC) Addressable Sections, to encapsulate IP datagrams for subsequent segmentationinto fixed length MPEG transport packets. It also describes how the encapsulated data will be includedwithin an MPEG Program in a manner that allows a digital MPEG Decoder to efficiently locate the dataPID streams carrying multicast IP content.

This document does not cover how the multicast IP data is used in conjunction with the audio / visualcontent of an MPEG program.


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SCTE 18 2007

SCTE 18 2007

Emergency Alert Message for Cable, approved as a joint standard with CEA as ANSI-J-STD-042-2002, (fo..

$25.00 $50.00

SCTE 144 2007

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Test Procedure for Measuring Transmission and Reflection..

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SCTE 141 2007

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Operations Support System Interface for Modular Cable Modem Termination Systems..

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SCTE 140 2007

SCTE 140 2007

Cable Modem IPv4 and IPv6 eRouter Specification..

$25.00 $50.00