SCTE 58 2003
- AM Cross Modulation Measurements, (formerly IPS TP 208)
- standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
- Category: SCTE
The procedure described in this document for measuring the 'AM-XMOD DistortionRatio' uses an RF Receiver, to detect the modulation, and a Baseband Analyzer, tomeasure the detected modulation signal levels. The test method, as given, is meant tomitigate the effects that PM-XMOD has upon the accurate detection of AM-XMOD. Acommon alternative to this measurement technique is to measure the AM-XMOD using aspecific instrument, namely the 'Spectrum Analyzer'. The Spectrum Analyzer has thecapability to both detect and measure the magnitude of the modulation level (i.e. the levelsof the sidebands) in the frequency domain. An AM-XMOD measurement that uses this"frequency domain" technique will be different from a measurement made using thetechnique described in this procedure, because the Spectrum Analyzer can not discriminateAM and PM sidebands. The type of detector used in the RF Receiver, as well as themethod of detection used in the Baseband Analyzer to measure the sideband energy of themodulation, will be specified.
The detectors used in the RF Receiver and the Baseband Analyzer instruments are differentthan those used in a typical Spectrum Analyzer. Therefore, a Spectrum Analyzer, whereused in this document, is understood to be a separate instrument from either an RFReceiver or a Baseband Analyzer. However, it is generally understood that a SpectrumAnalyzer can be used as a receiver instrument, whereby either the IF output is taken and RFdemodulation is accomplished externally by a separate detector, or the SpectrumAnalyzer's (Linear) demodulator is used. In either approach, after demodulation, aBaseband Analyzer then detects the video modulation.

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