• SCTE 76 2007

SCTE 76 2007

  • Antenna Selector Switches
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

The purpose of this document is to specify recommended mechanical and electrical standards for broadband radio frequency (RF) devices whose primary purpose is to allow signals presented to an input port to be routed selectively to one of two or more output ports.

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SCTE 49 2002

SCTE 49 2002

Test Method for Velocity of Propagation, (formerly IPS TP 114)..

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SCTE 50 2002 (R2007)

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Test Procedure for Measuring Regularity of Impedance of Coaxial Cable, (formerly IPS TP 115)..

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Method for Determining Drop Cable Braid Coverage, (formerly IPS TP 116)..

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Methods for Asynchronous Data Transport, (formerly DVS 051)..

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