• SCTE 96 2003

SCTE 96 2003

  • Cable Telecommunications Testing Guidelines, (formerly IPS TP 200)
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

The test procedures that reference this document are intended to allow a competenttechnician or engineer to perform the tasks of determining, to a reasonable degree ofcertainty, the level of performance for the various parameters detailed. The procedures aregeneral in nature and with sufficient forethought and preparation, can be adapted toindividual devices, cascades or complete systems. The primary focus for these proceduresis for bench or laboratory testing, but the principles discussed are equally applicable tofield testing. When the suggestions made in this document conflict with the detailed stepsof a specific procedure, the specific test procedure will take precedence.

In order to maintain the simplicity and reduce the overall size of the individual procedures,most theoretical and practical discussions regarding test equipment, methodology andvariations in techniques, as well as information which is generic or repetitive in nature isdiscussed in this document. This will also allow alterations and/or updates to be handledmore easily by reducing the total number of documents (or sections) which will beaffected. Specific information or data required for a single test, or a limited number oftests, will be found in those procedures as needed.

Measurements can normally be separated into two types, absolute and relative. Absolutemeasurements are used for determining such items as signal levels, modulation deviation,etc. Relative measurements are made with respect to a reference level or parameter andsome examples are distortion, frequency flatness, depth of modulation, etc. Absolutemeasurements are typically more difficult to make within the same tolerance limits asrelative measurements since more measurement tolerances within the test equipment andtest configuration must be considered. Relative measurements are often quite accuratesince many of theses tolerances are cancelled in the final calculations, especially whenmeasurement conditions are carefully maintained. Relative measurements are often usedas the basis for comparison between similar products and are valid when the measurementconditions are identical.


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