• SMPTE 291M-2006

SMPTE 291M-2006

  • Television - Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting
  • standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers,
  • Category: SMPTE

$75.00 $38.00

1 Scope

1.1 This standard specifies the basic formatting structure of the ancillary data space in digital video datastreams in the form of 10 bit words. Application of this standard includes 525 line, 625 line, component orcomposite, and high definition digital television interfaces (750 and 1125 lines) and D-Cinema applicationsthat provide 8-bit or 10-bit data ancillary data space.

1.2 Space available for ancillary data packets is defined in the document specifying the connecting interface.

1.3 Ancillary data packet payload definitions for a specific application shall be according to a SMPTEstandard, a Recommended Practice, an Engineering Guideline or a document generated by anotherorganization. When a payload format is considered a registered format, an application document is requiredand the ancillary packet is identified by a registered data identification word.

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SMPTE 430-3-2008

SMPTE 430-3-2008

D-Cinema Operations - Generic Extra-Theater Message Format (Revision of SMPTE 430-3-2006)..

$38.00 $75.00

SMPTE 435-2-2009

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10 Gb/s Serial Signal/Data Interface - Part 2: 10.692 Gb/s Stream - Basic Stream Data Mapping (Revis..

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SMPTE 2020-1-2008

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Format of Audio Metadata and Description of the Asynchronous Serial Bitstream Transport..

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SMPTE 2020-3-2008

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Vertical Ancillary Data Mapping of Audio Metadata - Method B..

$25.00 $50.00