• SMPTE 410-2008

SMPTE 410-2008

  • Television - Material Exchange Format (MXF) - Operational Patterns 1c, 2c and 3c
  • standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers,
  • Category: SMPTE

$75.00 $38.00

This document defines an extension of the MXF File Format that allows specific classes of data streams to becontained in MXF Body Partitions.

The classes of data streams are either essence that is unevenly distributed along the timeline or largeamounts of metadata that cannot suitably be stored in the Header Metadata. Examples for such data streamsare time-varying metadata, structured text files and 'lumpy' essence, i.e. that is not evenly spread along thetimeline.

The Generic Stream Container is not intended to carry metadata that could be placed in MXF HeaderMetadata or essence or metadata that could suitably be stored in the MXF Generic Container.

This document defines the KLV encoding methods used to carry the data stream.

This document also defines partitions that are used to multiplex Generic Streams into the byte stream of MXFfiles. These Generic Stream Partitions provide for the carriage of Generic Streams in separate partitions fromthose partitions carrying Essence Container data or Index Table segments.

Essence and metadata payloads that are carried in Generic Stream Partitions are defined in associateddocuments. This document defines rules for the documents that specify the Generic Stream Payloads andtheir application. It also defines the basic linking mechanisms of Generic Streams to the Header Metadata ofthe MXF file.

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