• SMPTE RDD 15-2007

SMPTE RDD 15-2007

  • Software Scripting Language for Pixel-Based Color Transformations
  • standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers,
  • Category: SMPTE

$150.00 $75.00

This document describes the Color Transformation Language, or CTL, and its reference implementation in theform of a CTL interpreter. CTL is a small software programming language that has been designed to serve asa building block for digital color management systems. CTL allows users to describe color transforms in aconcise and unambiguous way by expressing them as software programs. Any digital color managementsystem that supports CTL includes a CTL interpreter. In order to apply a given transform to an image, thecolor management system instructs the interpreter to load and run the CTL program that describes thetransform. The original and the transformed image constitute the CTL program's input and output.

This document describes the syntax and semantics of CTL, a standard library of functions that can be calledfrom within CTL programs, as well as a C++ programming interface that allows application programs toaccess and control the CTL interpreter.
The RDD itself is comprised of this document and the reference implementation of the CTL interpreter asdescribed in Annex B. All other referenced documents, sample code and software utilities are provided forinformative purposes only.

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