• SMPTE RP 6-1994 (Archived 2004)

SMPTE RP 6-1994 (Archived 2004)

  • Recorded Carrier Frequencies and Preemphasis Characteristics for 2-in Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recording for 525-Line/60-F
  • standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers,
  • Category: SMPTE

$50.00 $25.00

This practice specifies parameters of the recorded information essential to the interchange of 2-in quadruplex video magnetic tape recording of monochrome and NTSC color signals for 525-line/60-field television systems. The parameters include video preemphasis characteristics and recorded carrier frequencies for all recording practices and video pilot specifications for practice SHBP.
Practices defined are:
Practice SHBP: This practice is suitable for color and monochrome signals. A video pilot signal is added to the recorded information to be used as a playback reference.
Practice HB: This practice is suitable for color and monochrome signals.
Practice LBM: This practice is suitable only for monochrome signals. (It is considered to be obsolescent and is included for reference purposes only.)
Practice LBC: This practice is suitable for color and monochrome signals. It is considered to be obsolescent and is included for reference purposes only.)

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SMPTE 428-3-2006

SMPTE 428-3-2006

D-Cinema Distribution Master - Audio Channel Mapping and Channel Labeling..

$25.00 $50.00

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