ULC 601
- Standard for Shop Fabricated Steel Aboveground Horizontal Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (CAN/ULC S601-14)
- standard by Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, 05/01/2014
- Category: ULC
NOTE: These tanks may also be used for the storage of used oil. For tanks intended solely for thecollection of used oil, refer to CAN/ULC-S652, Standard for Tank Assemblies for the Collection ofUsed Oil. This Standard covers tanks, which are fabricated, inspected and tested for leakage beforeshipment from the factory. This Standard covers the construction of tanks for use in stationaryinstallations. Tanks fabricated in accordance with this Standard are not intended for thetransportation of flammable and combustible liquids nor are they intended to be transported whilecontaining such liquids. NOTE: Relocation of tanks other than utility tanks is subject to therequirements of the authority having jurisdiction. Section 4 of this Standard covers the construction ofsingle wall tanks. Section 5 covers the construction of tanks with secondary containment. ThisStandard also covers aboveground steel, rectangular, non-pressure workbench tanks for thecombined use as a working surface and storage of lubricating oils having capacities up to andincluding 2500 L. This Standard also covers aboveground steel, rectangular, non-pressure, generatorbasetanks. This Standard also covers utility tanks and double bottom utility tanks designed to allowfor location as required by their intended service. These tanks are for installation at locations such asfarms, construction sites, demolition sites, exploration sites, forestry operations and similar locations.This Standard does not cover wind loading or seismic loading of tanks. However, Guidelines for theMaximum Structural Limitations for Vertical Tanks (A2) are included in Appendix A (Informative),Explanatory Materials.

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