• UOP 46-85

UOP 46-85

  • Paraffin Wax Content of Petroleum Oils and Asphalts
  • standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1985
  • Category: UOP

$287.00 $144.00

This method is for estimating the paraffin wax content of petroleum oils and asphalts. Wax content is an empirical value dependent upon the conditions under which the wax is separated from the original material. In this method paraffin wax content is defined as the mass-percent of material precipitated when a solution of asphalt-free sample in methylene chloride is cooled to -30 C. The lower limit of detection is 5 mass-percent.


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Aromatics in Molex Process n-Paraffin Products by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry..

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