• Water Treatment Plant Pumps: Guidelines for Selection, Application and Operation

Water Treatment Plant Pumps: Guidelines for Selection, Application and Operation

  • Secure PDF Files
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by Hydraulic Institute, 2017
  • Category: HI

$150.00 $75.00

Water Treatment Plant Pumps: Guidelines for Selection, Application and Operation is intended to assist in understanding the general layout, components, and operation of a typical water treatment plant, and provide the guidance necessary to select pump types and define pump materials to perform effectively, efficiently, and reliably in the various plant operations. In addition to pump selection criteria, this document also addresses auxiliary components that are required to operate a pump, including the driver, couplings, and control methods. This single resource yields the practical information for those who are new to defining treatment plant pumping systems and equipment, and for those who are experienced in the field but desire to enhance their knowledge base of these systems.
  • Guideline covers conventional water treatment process of raw water, from intake to treated potable storage reservoirs
  • Based on a typical plant with a treatment capacity between 10 and 100 million gallons per day (mgd), utilizing conventional filtration
  • Identifies the styles of pumps used in easy-to-understand plant diagrams and summary tables
  • Includes a treatment process flow chart of the water treatment processes

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